
Runequest and Glorantha Miniatures

Created by Andrew Taylor

Lunars, Praxians, Trollkin and more...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Sent
about 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 11:42:57 AM


The Surveys have all been sent. Sometimes these get put into your spam box so please check there if nothing appears in your inbox in the next few hours. Let me know if you spot any problems or have any questions.

Thank you


Update on Progress
about 4 years ago – Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 07:17:11 AM

We are expecting the production moulds to be cut at the end of next week and being finished in the following week. This is later than expected but Covid 19 and sickness/ mandatory isolation as well as a UK lockdown is playing havoc with our planning. We have been asked to place our production order as soon as the moulds are cut: This will be our only opportunity to get stock in before Christmas.

Therefore will will send out the survey out in the middle of next week (we hope). We will submit the survey to Backerkit on Monday.  Normally we get this resolved in 2-3 days, but these are strange times.

We would ask you to complete the survey as soon as possible after you receive it. We will send another update to let you know when the survey is sent.

We hope to be able to ship orders from  promptly completed surveys around the beginning of December but we are in the hands of Coronavirus

Thank you


Project successful
about 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 01:35:05 AM

Thank you all very much for your support. Surveys should be out in around 2 weeks. I spoke to the factory this morning and they confirmed they intended to keep going during the upcoming UK lockdown. 

I have been checking on what stocks we have from previous Kickstarters and subsequent top ups.

We have all items except Balazar Big Bird and Gorakiki Guard, and these will be available on a first come first served basis.

I will update you all again prior to the surveys going live.

Once again, many thanks.
